Le Palais du Génie Madhouse Guide >> Guide >> Le Palais du Génie >> Story


Once upon a time, there was this rich stallholder, who sold all kinds of things. Amongst his stock was a magical lamp, the lamp of the ghost, Babas. A jolly ghost, who, once you were it's owner, did everything you desired. For that reason, the stallholder kept this lamp very safe, to prevent the lamp from landing in false hands. One day he went on a trip, trusting the lamp to his son, telling him he should keep it in a safe place, and not to let anyone rub it. But one night a monkey stole the lamp running to the palace to find shelter. Inside the palace someone awaited the money. I was Zanzar the sultan's serveant. He tries to impress the monkey, hoping he would let go of the lamp. Without result, cause the monkey rubs the lamp, and Babas starts making loud noises in the inner court. He sets off a bell, lets staircases spin round, and swords move, before he opens the door to the master's palace. The palace is quite extensively and everywhere oriental luxury can be seen. Babas is getting ready to pull a prank on you his way.

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